More Than Just an Athlete: Kirsten Avery

More Than Just an Athlete: Kirsten Avery

PAXTON, MA: Anna Maria athletics dives into AMCAT student-athletes to get a more in-depth look at the upperclassmen and how they got to this point in their lives. This feature will be posted on Tuesday's throughout the fall. 

Next, we look into a junior defenseman from the field hockey team, Kirsten Avery (Derby, VT). We got to ask a few questions about why she chose field hockey and how her experience has been at Anna Maria so far. 

What made you decide to play your sport? What about it inspired you to continue playing? 

​What made me play my sport was that I was uninterested in soccer and basketball, and I did not have many options in Vermont, where I'm from, and that's when I decided to try out field hockey. From the moment I picked up a stick, I knew it was my sport, and I fell in love with it. I have always had a great team environment, great coaches, and a love for the sport. Those three things have always kept me playing.

Tell us about the journey you took that brought you here to Anna Maria?

The journey I took that led me to Anna Maria was Coach Brooke reaching out to me during my senior year of playing. I knew I wanted to play at the collegiate level, and I took this opportunity after meeting Coach and my teammates. The atmosphere and chemistry on the team made the decision for me.

What is your major, and why did you choose it?

My major is Criminal Justice at Anna Maria, and I chose this major because I want to go to Law School and become a Criminal Prosecutor for child victims cases. I did not want to broaden myself by studying law for my undergrad and instead took the Criminal Justice route.

What are your plans after graduation? What's the dream job?

My plans after graduation are going to Law School and obtaining my J.D. The dream job is to become a federal prosecutor.

How has your student-athlete experience been so far at Anna Maria?

​My experience at Anna Maria is a great one! I am so thankful for all of the help my teammates gave me, the lessons I learned, becoming a better athlete and person, and, most of all, having my Coach to help me whenever needed! I am coming out of Anna Maria, a better person than when I started. 


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