More Than Just an Athlete: Keannah Dunsmore

More Than Just an Athlete: Keannah Dunsmore

PAXTON, MA: Anna Maria athletics dives into AMCAT student-athletes to get a more in-depth look at the upperclassmen and how they got to this point in their lives. This feature will be posted on Tuesday's throughout the fall. 

We first look into a junior midfielder on the women's soccer team, Keannah Dunsmore (Georgia, VT). We got to ask the Junior leader a few questions about why she chose soccer and how her experience has been at Anna Maria so far. 

What made you decide to play your sport? What about it inspired you to continue playing? 

I decided to play soccer in college because I find myself to be better at time management when I am playing a sport. During the soccer season, I can manage my time very well with schoolwork, work, and soccer. I don't procrastinate as a student because I know a lot of my time will be taken up by soccer. I was inspired to continue playing because going to college is a huge transition and having good teammates and coaches makes that transition much smoother.

Tell us about the journey you took that brought you here to Anna Maria?

I played soccer throughout my entire life, and soccer is what brought me to Anna Maria. Anna Maria's soccer coach found me and recruited me as a player. I had never heard of Anna Maria before being approached by the soccer coach. Along with enjoying the fact that I got to continue my career in soccer, I loved the school and how much it felt like home. Coming from a small town, Anna Maria became the perfect fit for me very quickly as it is a small community on its own.

What is your major, and why did you choose it?

My majors are Forensic Criminology and Health Science. I chose Forensic Criminology because it sounded interesting as a high school senior, and I wanted to major in something that would keep me intrigued throughout college. I don't plan on using my Forensic Criminology major in my career goals, but I am glad I stuck with this major as it has opened so many doors and opportunities for me! I also chose Health Science because it will help fill the requirements for Physician Assistant school that I plan on attending after Anna Maria!

What are your plans after graduation? What's the dream job?

My plans after graduation are to attend a Physician Assistant school and become a PA. Along with graduating as a PA, I would also like to get certified in cosmetology. Along with many other experiences at Anna Maria, I gained some experience cutting hair and enjoy it, so I would like to get certified in cosmetology. My dream jobs would be to be a full-time Physician Assistant and do cosmetology on the side as a hobby when possible!

How has your student-athlete experience been so far at Anna Maria?

I love being a student-athlete at Anna Maria. I feel as though I have gained a full college experience being on the soccer team! I have gained teammates that are like family and amazing coaches that have already taught me so much about the sport I love and lessons on life!


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