More Than Just an Athlete: Franny Hammond

More Than Just an Athlete: Franny Hammond

PAXTON, MA: Anna Maria athletics dives into AMCAT student-athletes to get a more in-depth look at the upperclassmen and how they got to this point in their lives. This feature will be posted on Tuesdays throughout the year. 

Next, we look into a senior guard from the women's basketball team, Franny Hammond (Worcester, MA). We got to ask a few questions about why she chose basketball and how her experience has been at Anna Maria so far. 

What made you decide to play your sport? What about it inspired you to continue playing? 

​What made me decide to play my sport is because it is therapeutic. It allows me to get my mind off of things and gives me a natural high. What inspired me to play is seeing the opportunities that it has created.

Tell us about the journey you took that brought you here to Anna Maria?

My journey to Anna Maria was not easy. I faced a lot of adversity in high school, and I had to really work on myself in order to play at Anna Maria.

What is your major, and why did you choose it?

My major is sports management, but I plan to switch to the educational field. I genuinely find a passion for helping the younger generation and being a role model for them.

What are your plans after graduation? What's the dream job?

My plan after I graduate is to continue into the graduate program and then become a teacher in Phys. Ed.

How has your student-athlete experience been so far at Anna Maria?

My student-athlete experience at AMC has been a bit of a bumpy ride. Coming in, I thought I had it all. My first year really humbled me. My sophomore year and junior year was perfect until COVID came around. Then with COVID ... I think that can speak for itself.


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