AMCAT Conversations: Simon Berry, Franchesca Hammond, and Julia Ramos

AMCAT Conversations: Simon Berry, Franchesca Hammond, and Julia Ramos

The AMCAT Conversations series is a way to allow others to get to know the student-athletes of Anna Maria College on and off the field/court. We hope you enjoy their conversation. 

PAXTON, MA - In our third edition of AMCAT Conversations, we sat down with men's soccer defender, Simon Berry. Berry is a junior from Londonderry, NH, and a Business Administration major who attended Trinity High School. Next, is women's basketball guard, Franchesca Hammond. Hammond is a junior Sports Management major from Worcester, MA where she attended Doherty Memorial High School. Finally, we talked with women's lacrosse midfielder, Julia Ramos. Ramos is a sophomore Liberal Studies student who arrived on campus from Athol High School and currently resides in Orange, MA. 

Why Anna Maria College? Why Division III?

Berry: I chose Anna Maria College because it was a great option to not only play sports but to further my education.

Hammond: I chose Anna Maria College because they had everything I wanted. They also had the classes and major I needed to be successful and I had the chance to compete at Division III level in the game I love.

Ramos: I love the small community feel and I felt like playing here would allow me to focus on athletics as well as focus on academics.

What is your favorite class and professor?

Berry: Any class I take with Professor Morgan is a great class, he is a great professor and person.

Hammond: My favorite Class is Western Civilization with Professor Limanek.

Ramos: My favorite professor is Dennis Vanasse and my favorite class is Psychology of the Exceptional Child.

What is your favorite place on campus?

Berry: My suite in St. Anne's. 

Hammond: My favorite place on campus is the gym.

RamosThe AMCAT Center is my favorite place.

What motivates you to work hard?

Berry: The desire to succeed.

Hammond: Looking at my future is what motivates me. I know where I want to be and I know in order to get there, I have to take care of business.

Ramos: Not failing out of school. 

Who is your favorite school to play against?

Berry: I love playing against Rivier University because it is the closest school to my house, and it is always a competitive game.

Hammond: My favorite school to play against is Becker College. 

Ramos: Mitchell College. 

Who is your favorite professional team?

Berry: My favorite professional team is Arsenal FC. 

Hammond: The Brooklyn Nets. 

Ramos: Even though they are not a professional team, I enjoy watching the University of Florida women's volleyball. 

What three people would you invite to a dream dinner party?

Berry: The three people I would invite are Peter Griffin (Family Guy), Dog the Bounty Hunter, and Snoop Dogg.

Hammond: I would invite Allen Iverson, Meek Mill, and Jay Z.

Ramos: Lil Tjay, Ellen Degeneres, and Gordan Ramsey

What would you eat at this dinner?

Berry: An Italian feast. 

Hammond: We are eating steak, loaded mashed potatoes, and asparagus.

Ramos: Whatever Gordan Ramsey makes, probably sushi.

Who is your hero?

Berry: It would have to be my dad. 

Hammond: My hero is my dad. 

Ramos: Ellen Degeneres, she is such a saint. 

If you could choose to do only one thing for a day, what would it be?

Berry: I'd probably just watch movies. 

Hammond: It would be to go back in time and cherish my moments with my grandmother.

Ramos: Eating sushi. 

What are some of your hobbies?

Berry: Playing Xbox, poker, and freestyle rapping.

Hammond: Playing basketball and chasing that money. 

Ramos: Watching TV, eating food, and sleeping. 

What sports did you play growing up?

Berry: Any sport I could. 

Hammond: Growing up I played soccer, basketball, and football. 

Ramos: Volleyball, indoor track, and softball. 

If you had superpowers, what would they be and what would be your superhero name?

Berry: I would want to have a super-mind because people wouldn’t know I was a superhero and just think I was wicked smart. As for my superhero name, I’d be called Wicked Smaht.

Hammond: My superpowers would be to turn invisible and my name would be InvisiFran.

Ramos: I would want to fly and my superhero name would be Supa Fly.

What is your favorite movie?

Berry: Step Brothers.

Hammond: Any Madea movie but specifically Madea Goes To Jail.

Ramos: Friday.

What is your favorite TV show to binge?

Berry: The Sopranos.

Hammond: Snowfall. 

Ramos: One Tree Hill. 

If you had to describe yourself as an animal, what would it be?

Berry: An orangutan.

Hammond: My animal would be a koala. 

Ramos: I'd be a dog because I love sleeping and I love attention. 

What is your dream job?

Berry: To become the World Heavyweight Champion of the world.

Hammond: My dream job after college is working with younger kids and helping them grow up to be strong and wise athletes. 

Ramos: I want to be a special education teacher. 


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